Pre Entry Health
All Stallions entering the centre, whether for Walk-In or
Residency, must comply with the Pre Entry Health requirements.

Blood Tests:
Blood samples must be sent to VLA Weybridge,
New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 5NB
EVA (SNT)(Unvaccinated
EIA (Coggins)(All Stallions)
Blood samples to be taken at the time of examination, which
must be within 20 days prior to the date of entry to the Collection

Swabs must be sent to VLA, Rougham Hill, Bury
St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP33 2RX
CEM (four sites) (Penis, Urethra fossa, Urethra, Pre-ejaculatory
fluid or semen)
*Second swab for EU only and there MUST be exactly 7 days
between the 2 swabbing dates
Swabs to be taken within 20days prior to date
of entry to the Collection Centre

- EVA vaccination is not a prerequisite for
- For EVA vaccinated stallions, the date of the last vaccination
and pre-vaccination blood test must be shown.
- Influenza and tetanus vaccinations must be up to date.

Veterinary Work:
Any further tests will be carried out by our
Centre Vet.
All our veterinary work is carried out by Paton & Lee
Veterinary Practice.
Mr Tony Lock, partner in the practice, is our AHVLA approved
Stallion Collection Centre Vet
For Further information contact: Paton & Lee, Hoo
Hall, Oak Road, Rivenhall, Witham. Essex CM8 3HG.